Last Updated: Stats based on the Last 30 Days, from Ranks 10-79 in Pool 3+.

Мобиус М. Мобиус

Мобиус М. Мобиус (Jon Lam Variant)33
Мобиус М. Мобиус33
Мобиус М. Мобиус (Chibi Variant)33

Постоянно: стоимость ваших карт не может быть увеличена. Стоимость карт вашего противника не может быть снижена.

Series 4

Avg. Cubes

Доля побед60.8%


Stats based on the Last 30 Days, from Ranks 10-79 in Pool 3+.

Find stats, decks, and variants for Мобиус М. Мобиус, a MARVEL SNAP Series Series 4 card that costs 3 energy, has 3 power. It has the effect: "Постоянно: стоимость ваших карт не может быть увеличена. Стоимость карт вашего противника не может быть снижена." It has variants from the Pantheon, Dan Hipp, Jet Ski, Chibi, and Jon Lam categories. The original card art is colored by Ryan Kinnaird, and drawn by Eduardo Mello.

Character Bio

Mobius M. Mobius is known for his association with the Time Variance Authority (TVA). As a high-ranking agent, Mobius possesses extensive knowledge of temporal anomalies and serves to maintain the integrity of the multiverse. With his distinctive appearance and sharp wit, Mobius navigates the complexities of time, enforcing the TVA's regulations and investigating timeline disturbances. Find Decks with Мобиус М. Мобиус

Мобиус М. Мобиус Variants

Мобиус М. Мобиус (Pantheon Variant)33


Мобиус М. Мобиус (Dan Hipp Variant)33

Dan Hipp

Мобиус М. Мобиус (Jet Ski Variant)33

Jet Ski

Season Pass

Мобиус М. Мобиус (Chibi Variant)33


Мобиус М. Мобиус (Jon Lam Variant)33

Jon Lam

Decks with Мобиус М. Мобиус

Most popular Decks based on the Last 30 Days, from Ranks 10-79 in Pool 3+.