Last Updated: Stats based on the Last 30 Days, from Ranks 10-79 in Pool 3+.


Arishem (Francesco Tomaselli Variant)77
Arishem (Variant)77

At the start of the game, +1 Max Energy. Shuffle 15 random cards into your deck.

Series 5

Avg. Cubes



Stats based on the Last 30 Days, from Ranks 10-79 in Pool 3+.

Find stats, decks, and variants for Arishem, a MARVEL SNAP Series Series 5 card that costs 7 energy, has 7 power. It has the effect: "At the start of the game, +1 Max Energy. Shuffle 15 random cards into your deck." It has variants from the Francesco Tomaselli categories. The original card art is colored by Ryan Kinnaird, and drawn by Eduardo Mello.

Character Bio

Arishem, a cosmic being of immense power, is one of the Celestials tasked with guiding the evolution of worlds across the cosmos. Revered as a divine figure, Arishem's decisions shape the fate of entire civilizations.Find Decks with Arishem

Arishem Variants

Arishem (Variant)77


Arishem (Variant)77


Arishem (Francesco Tomaselli Variant)77

Francesco Tomaselli

Decks with Arishem

Most popular Decks based on the Last 30 Days, from Ranks 10-79 in Pool 3+.