Last Updated: Stats based on the Last 30 Days, from Ranks 10-79 in Pool 3+.


Ajax (Venomized Variant)57
Ajax (PANDART Variant)57

Ongoing: +1 Power for each card in play afflicted with negative Power.

Series 5

Avg. Cubes



Stats based on the Last 30 Days, from Ranks 10-79 in Pool 3+.

Find stats, decks, and variants for Ajax, a MARVEL SNAP Series Series 5 card that costs 5 energy, has 7 power. It has the effect: "Ongoing: +1 Power for each card in play afflicted with negative Power." It has variants from the PANDART, and Venomized categories. The original card art is colored by Ryan Kinnaird, and drawn by Eduardo Mello.

Character Bio

Ajax, also known as Francis, is a formidable adversary of Deadpool, possessing enhanced strength and durability. As a former subject of the Weapon X program, Ajax shares a tumultuous history with Deadpool, often serving as his antagonist.Find Decks with Ajax

Ajax Variants

Ajax (PANDART Variant)57


Ajax (Venomized Variant)57


Decks with Ajax

Most popular Decks based on the Last 30 Days, from Ranks 10-79 in Pool 3+.