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Last Updated: Conquest stats based on the , from in .

Luke Cage

Luke Cage (Fireball Studio Variant)32
Luke Cage32
Luke Cage (Thunderbolts Variant)32

Ongoing: Your cards can't have their Power reduced.

Series 3



Conquest stats based on the , from in .

Find stats, decks, and variants for Luke Cage, a MARVEL SNAP Series 3 card that costs 3 energy, has 2 power. It has the effect: "Ongoing: Your cards can't have their Power reduced." It has variants from the Pixel, Dan Hipp, Sports, Luca Claretti, Combo Break, Inkpulp, Thunderbolts, and Fireball Studio categories. The original card art is colored by Ryan Kinnaird, and drawn by Ryan Benjamin.

Character Bio

A former prisoner named Luke Cage underwent an experiment that gave him extraordinary power and bulletproof skin. He employs his skills as a hired savior in Harlem to defend the defenseless. He represents power, tenacity, and fairness.Find Decks with Luke Cage

Luke Cage Variants

Luke Cage (Pixel Variant)32


Luke Cage (Variant)32


Luke Cage (Dan Hipp Variant)32

Dan Hipp

Luke Cage (Sports Variant)32


Luke Cage (Luca Claretti Variant)32

Luca Claretti

Luke Cage (Combo Break Variant)32

Combo Break

Luke Cage (Inkpulp Variant)32


Luke Cage (Thunderbolts Variant)32


Season Pass

Decks with Luke Cage

Most popular Conquest Decks based on the , from in .

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