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Last Updated: Conquest stats based on the , from in .

Fenris Wolf

Fenris Wolf (Alex Horley Variant)23
Fenris Wolf23
Fenris Wolf (Andrea Guardino Variant)23

Activate: Resurrect your opponent's highest-Power discarded or destroyed card on your side of this location.

Series 5



Conquest stats based on the , from in .

Find stats, decks, and variants for Fenris Wolf, a MARVEL SNAP Series 5 card that costs 2 energy, has 3 power. It has the effect: "Activate: Resurrect your opponent's highest-Power discarded or destroyed card on your side of this location." It has variants from the Viktor Farro, Andrea Guardino, and Alex Horley categories. The original card art is colored by Ryan Kinnaird, and drawn by Eduardo Mello.

Character Bio

Fenris Wolf, an offspring of Loki, is a giant, mystical wolf with a destiny intertwined with chaos and destruction. Known for his immense strength and ferocity, Fenris has clashed with Asgardian gods, including Thor and Odin. His existence is deeply tied to the prophecies of Ragnarok, where he is fated to play a pivotal and destructive role.Find Decks with Fenris Wolf

Fenris Wolf Variants

Fenris Wolf (Viktor Farro Variant)23

Viktor Farro

Fenris Wolf (Andrea Guardino Variant)23

Andrea Guardino

Fenris Wolf (Alex Horley Variant)23

Alex Horley

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Decks with Fenris Wolf

Most popular Conquest Decks based on the , from in .

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